I get a ton of questions about how I travel so much and what it's like. I put up a Q&A on Instagram to see what you all wanted to know most. Here you'll find the answers to all of your burning questions.
First off, how do I travel so much? Well... it started with a dream and I made it a reality. No I'm not some trust fund baby. I still work and I still travel. I saved up and bought my 2017 Jeep Wrangler myself and set off on a life-changing road trip. I never knew just how big of an impact that little Jeep would have on me.
It started off with spending the summer in Texas, and I never went back! A week after adopting my Jeep, Bella, I packed her up for a few months and left the east coast for the dirty south. I fell in love with Austin and ended up exploring all around Texas and it hit me. Traveling around and seeing new places is everything I want in life. So that's exactly what I did.
This east coaster has made it all the way to the west coast as of this post. I am currently in the Pacific Northwest and it is night and day different from Texas. These places are total opposites, and I love them both so much. This is the amazing part about traveling - you learn and see so much more than you would ever dream. Vacations are cool, but I always feel cheated. I decided to do a multi-year road trip so I can see as much of the USA as I can, and really get to know the different areas too. It's a completely different experience when you get to be a local for awhile!
Another thing I want to clear up is this idea of this glamorous lifestyle. While traveling around North America has it's advantages for sure, there are a lot of downsides too. I'm always on the road so I miss out on a lot of things - jeep events, time with my family, hanging out with friends, and getting to be there for those moments that mean the most. It can be tough not being around, but I have to remind myself of the awesome memories that I am making on the road.
Another challenging thing to deal with is timing. I generally move region to region every couple of months. Once I finally get to know the area, it's time to leave again. On top of that, I only get to attend events that are going on in the short time span that I'm there. But as long as the pros outweigh the cons, which they currently do, Make Her Mean will be on the road. One day I will settle down, but not until I can sing the Johnny Cash song "I've Been Everywhere" and have been to all those places!
As for your questions, here are some of the things I was asked:
Q: What made you want to travel?
A: Before hitting the road I was a caretaker. The experience changed my perspective on life. You only get one and it can change in a second. Life is too short not to live your best life. So I hit the road.
Q: Gear must-haves?
A: I always have at least 2 gallons of water and enough food in case I get lost or stuck somewhere. Other essentials are a phone charger, camera, portable GPS, sunglasses, and a phone stand for the Jeep during road trips.
Q: What has been your favorite stop so far?
A: This is a tough question, but if I had to choose one adventure, I would say visiting the Redwoods. It was really like being on another planet. I will never forget that trip.
Q: Best and worst thing about solo travel?
A: The best thing is that I learn so much about myself each solo trip. It forces you to push your limits and explore new boundaries. The worst thing is not having a buddy to share the drive and experience with! It's always a lot of fun when I have a partner-in-crime along for the ride.
Q: After all your travels, what mod is highest on your list?
A: Definitely a roof rack! My little 2 door is getting quite full.
Q: What is the farthest you have taken Bella so far?
A: I started on the east coast, and drove her down to South Padre Island in Texas, then up through the Pacific Northwest into Squamish, Canada - all within a year of buying my Jeep.
Q: What is the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in your travels?
A: I almost ran out of gas near the Oregon/Nevada border in the middle of the night with no cell service. There was nothing around for miles! Needless to say my next mod was adding Jerry cans to my Jeep! They are sooo worth it to have if you live or travel in remote places!
Q: What do you do for lodging?
A: Most often I rent a hotel or Airbnb. In the summer, if you want to save some money - go camping instead of staying at a hotel!
Q: What do I eat on the road?
A: I have recently gone vegan due to health reasons. This definitely makes it a bit harder to find food on the road, but if I can do it, so can you!
Q: How do I fund my travels?
A: Mostly I saved up, I travel smart, and spend smart. I still work to keep the Jeep/travel fund alive, cuz y'all know how much money our Jeeps demand!!! I found the right balance for me that allows me to travel as much as I want and still have a Jeep to drive 🙃
Have more questions? Email me or comment your questions below. Thanks for reading!