Welcome to my blog, I'm Make Her Mean. I started this blog as a way to connect with fellow Jeepers as I travel around the USA. I live a very unconventional lifestyle - I travel A LOT. I live in a new state every few months and I'm on the road more often than I'm not...by choice. 😬

Life is short, and the world has so much to offer. I'm determined to see it all. You can follow me on Instagram (@MakeHerMean) to check out my latest adventures.

A little about me - I have a curious, adventurous personality. I'm in my 20's, trying to figure out what I want out of this crazy journey called life. I bought my Jeep Wrangler, Bella, in 2017 and it completely changed my life. A few weeks after I adopted Bella into my family, I packed up my bags and left the East Coast for Texas. Cue my first adventure.

First stop: Austin, Texas. I ended up spending a few months here and the craziest part is I'd never set foot in Texas before! I wanted a change of pace and I figured, why not? As soon as I set foot in ATX, I fell in love with it. Texas is amazing in so many different ways, and the Texan lifestyle is unlike anything I had ever experienced. As much as I enjoyed my time there, I knew my time would come to pack up my bags and start on my next adventure. Cue Portland.

Off another whim, I decided to see what the West Coast has to offer. So I did. I packed up my bags yet again, and set off for Portland, Oregon (another place I'd never been) in my Wrangler. This drive was unlike any I had ever experienced. I've been on long (30+ hour) road trips before, but the West Coast is a completely different cup of tea. The majority of the trip you will not have cell service, and at times you can go hours without seeing any trace of civilization, and yes....that includes gas stations. Watching the landscape transform from the flat, Texan desert to a mountainous terrain filled with evergreens was indescribable.

On this road trip, I was driving from Austin to Portland - farther west than I've ever taken Bella before. I drove down Historic Route 66, did a Breaking Bad tour in Albuquerque, visited the Petrified Forest, saw a huge meteor crater, hit up the casinos in Las Vegas, drove through Death Valley, and even found one of the dusty Winnemucca roads that Johnny Cash sings about in his hit song (and my personal theme song) I've Been Everywhere.

That song is basically my life mission. I want to see everything, from the cities to the mountains, to the deserts and valleys. I've always loved being in nature, ever since I was a little girl. I try to incorporate the outdoors into my daily life as much as possible. I love going on hikes, camping, and obviously, off-roading. I try to go wherever the wind takes me. Life is full of ups and downs, but life is really what you make it.

After exploring the PNW, I went south to Arizona for the winter. Arizona had everything I was looking for - amazing trails, great weather, and so many cool places to explore. I Jeeped through fields of gigantic cacti and slot canyons, visited the Grand Canyon and so much more.

Arizona will always hold a special place in my heart as it's the state I finalllyyyy lifted my Jeep in! Being on the road the past few years has made it hard to work on my build, but to finally see my baby Jeep grow up was so rewarding! It was totally worth the wait.

Next on my list was California. I decided to spend the summer exploring this massive state and all the breathtaking places it has to offer. From the iconic Redwoods, to the Mohave Desert, to Yosemite I will see it all! Stay tuned to see where I head next. 😎

This blog has been an amazing way for me to get to know my fellow Jeepers and I would love to meet up whenever I'm in your area. Hit me up on Instagram to link up!